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Safeguarding Adults & Children Policy

Policy Owner: Nyatiti NyaDala CIC

Company Number 14319415

Date Policy approved: 18-May-2023

Next review Date: 18-May-2024

Review frequency: Yearly

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Sabrina Natacha Aurore Oduor (AKA Auore Akinyi)

Introduction / Mission Statement

Nyatiti NyaDala is a place where the community, with the support of nyatiti music, can feel empowered, engage in dialogues, connect in a respectful space, and be mindful of our place in nature. It is a place where nyatiti music can breathe and regain its formal respect in the community while evolving with time and space.

We are looking to participate in rebuilding a more cohesive space using the inspiration of ancient practices and the potential of nyatiti music. To do this, Nyatiti NyaDala is benefiting from nyatiti music. Nyatiti music has long been used in assisting with the mourning process and cleansing. Moreover, pakruok, where the nyatiti players have poetic dialogues with their audience creates bond and contentment, it also empowers children as they participate in this practice and prepare them with essential social skills.

  • Using performances and workshops we are creating awareness about East African music, culture and traditions.

  • Our research and development programs let us delve into our impact and interaction with our environment and community to create sustainable and unique instruments for education purpose and some which can be purchased. 

Policy statement

Nyatiti NyaDala is committed to the well being and safeguarding of children and adults at risk that it comes in contact with. Everyone shall have the right to be treated with respect, dignity and to protection and freedom from abuse or exploitation, regardless of their age, racial heritage/racial culture, sexual orientation, disability, gender, religious belief, economic status or otherwise.


This policy applies to the company directors and third parties facilitating community and school music and culture services whether as paid contractors or as volunteers. 


This policy aims to cover:   

  • The legislation, our commitment and procedures for safeguarding adults and children at risk.

  • Our role and responsibility for safeguarding adults and children at risk.

  • What to do or who to speak to if someone has a concern relating to the welfare or wellbeing of an adult within the business. 


To ensure that this policy is respected Nyatiti NyaDala will:

  • use safe recruitment practices and seek Disclosure and Barring Services checks from its representatives 

  • have a designated safeguarding lead

  • train this policy out

  • further develop and enhance this policy through yearly review and the training of key members in the organisation

  • have a commitment to ensuring that adult and children safety is included in risk assessments


Children and Social Work Act 2017 

An Act to make provision about looked after children; to make other provision in relation to the welfare of children; and to make provision about the regulation of social workers.

Working Together to Safeguard Children

A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children

Sexual Offences Act 2003

The Sexual Offences Act introduced a number of new offences concerning adults at risk and children.

Mental Capacity Act 2005

Its general principle is that everybody has capacity unless it is proved otherwise, that they should be supported to make their own decisions, that anything done for or on behalf of people without capacity must be in their best interests and should be the least restrictive intervention.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006

Introduced the new Vetting and Barring Scheme and the role of the Independent Safeguarding Authority. The Act places a statutory duty on all those working with vulnerable groups to register and undergo an advanced vetting process with criminal sanctions for non-compliance.

Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019: Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) 

Designed to provide appropriate safeguards for vulnerable people who have a mental disorder and lack the capacity to consent to the arrangements made or their care or treatment, and who may be deprived of their liberty in their best interests in order to protect them from harm.

Disclosure & Barring Service 2013

Criminal record checks: guidance for employers – How employers or organisations can request criminal records checks on potential employees from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

The Care Act 2014 – statutory guidance

The Care Act introduces new responsibilities for local authorities. It also has major implications for adult care and support providers, people who use services, carers and advocates. It replaces No Secrets and puts adult safeguarding on a statutory footing.

Making Safeguarding Personal Guide 2014

This guide is intended to support councils and their partners to develop outcome-focused, person-centred safeguarding practice.


NYATITI NYADALA Safeguarding-Adults & Children Policy v1.0.docx.png

To ensure that this policy is respected Nyatiti NyaDala will:

  • use safe recruitment practices and seek Disclosure and Barring Services checks from its representatives 

  • have a designated safeguarding lead

  • train this policy out

  • further develop and enhance this policy through yearly review and the training of key members in the organisation

  • have a commitment to ensuring that adult and children safety is included in risk assessments

Key Contact Details

Sabrina Natacha Aurore Oduor (AKA Aurore Akinyi)

For organisation contact details consult the section “Sources of Information and Support” below.

Raising and Managing a Concern 

  • If a child or an adult at risk is in immediate danger or risk of harm, the police should be contacted by calling 999.

  • For non urgent reports of concerns contact, if necessary a phone number can be provided upon request. We will investigate and evaluate whether it needs to be delegated or escalated to relevant organisation or authorities. In case of moderate risk we will attempt to communicate with involved parties or their carer to mitigate conflicts. Where necessary individuals may not be further allowed to participate in the activities proposed by Nyatiti NyaDala.

  • You may alternatively contact the appropriate organisation for your concern based on the contact details in the section “Sources of Information and Support” below.

Risks definition

  • Immediate high risk is characterised by an imminent threat endangering the life of a child or adult.

  • High risk is characterised by abuse or neglect being identified.

  • Moderate to low risk is characterised by disruptive behaviour.


  • Whistleblowing is the process whereby someone raises a concern about the well-being of a child or an adult at risk. We are committed to encouraging and maintaining a culture where people feel able to raise a genuine safeguarding concern and are confident that it will be taken seriously.

  • Each individual has a responsibility for raising concerns about unacceptable practice or behaviour:

  • To protect or reduce risk to others

  • To prevent a problem from becoming worse or more widespread

  • To prevent becoming implicated yourself

  • Nyatiti NyaDala CIC assures that all involved parties will be treated fairly and that all concerns will be properly considered. In cases where suspicions prove to be unfounded, no action will be taken against those who report their concerns, provided they acted in good faith and without malicious intent.

Recording and Information Sharing

Sources of Information and Support


National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children in England and Wales based in London.

Help for adults concerned about a child
Tel: 0808 800 5000

Help for children and young people
Tel: 0800 1111


Action on Elder Abuse

A national organisation based in London. It aims to prevent the abuse of older people by raising awareness, encouraging education, promoting research and collecting and disseminating information.

Tel: 020 8765 7000

Ann Craft Trust 

A national organisation providing information and advice about adult safeguarding. The Ann Craft Trust has a specialist Safeguarding Adults in Sport and Activity team to support the sector

Tel: 0115 951 5400


Men’s Advice Line

For male domestic abuse survivors

Tel: 0808 801 0327

National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline

Tel: 0800 999 5428

National 24Hour Freephone Domestic Abuse Helplines


Tel: 0808 2000 247

Northern Ireland

Tel: 0808 802 1414




Tel: 0800 027 1234Email: chat:


Llinell Gymorth Byw HebOfn/ Live free from fear helpline

Tel: 0808 8010 800

Type Talk: 18001 0808 801 0800
Text: 078600 77 333

Rape Crisis Federation of England and Wales 

Rape Crisis was launched in 1996 and exists to provide a range of facilities and resources to enable the continuance and development of Rape Crisis Groups throughout Wales and England.



Respond provides a range of services to victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse who have learning disabilities, and training and support to those working with them. 

Tel: 020 7383 0700  or  0808 808 0700  (Helpline) 

Stop Hate Crime

Works to challenge all forms of Hate Crime and discrimination, based on any aspect of an individual’s identity. Stop Hate UK provides independent, confidential and accessible reporting and support for victims, witnesses and third parties.

24 hours service:

Telephone: 0800 138 1625

Web Chat:

E mail:

Text: 07717 989 025
Text relay: 18001 0800 138 1625
By post: PO Box 851, Leeds LS1 9QS

Susy Lamplugh Trust 

The Trust is a leading authority on personal safety. Its role is to minimise the damage caused to individuals and to society by aggression in all its forms – physical, verbal and psychological. 

Tel: 020 83921839 
Fax: 020 8392 1830 

Victim Support 

Provides practical advice and help, emotional support and reassurance to those who have suffered the effects of a crime.  

Tel: 0808 168 9111 

Women’s Aid Federation of England and Wales

Women’s Aid is a national domestic violence charity. It also runs a domestic violence online help service.


Policy adapted from a template provided by Ann Craft Trust acting against abuse.

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